Friday, October 14, 2011

Knitting with Wire- A Shawl Pin

I had wanted to make a shawl pin not too long ago for a friend, and so searched through patterns.  I saw one that I liked, but couldn't afford the pattern right then.  I looked at the picture, and came up with a pattern. I have included pictures of my second pin. 
It is harder to work with wire- the wire does not want to go in the direction that you want it to- you could use a smaller gauge wire, however, it may break or bend easier. I used 22 gauge non tarnished brass wire for my second pin, and my first pin was just some wire that I had in my jewelry kit (I think it was 22 gauge also but in a silver color).  I knitted in a shawl pin that I bought from an Amish store, but you could always just use anything for closure and not even knit one in- search shawl pin patterns for examples..
I took size 4 metal dpns (any size that you want will do) and I threaded several beads on the wire- I alternated the colors, as I wanted my second pin two toned.  My first was just different shaped red beads spaced 3 stitches apart.  On the one that I show you, there is a small bead for every cast on, every stitch, and every bind off.
Here is my wire already beaded and my  needles.
First I made a slip knot in the wire leaving about 4 inches for a tail.  I inserted one of the dpns, slid a bead down the wire to my knitting needle and cast on loosely 6 more stitches on this needle with one bead in between using one wire to cast on. 

I then added a second knitting needle and cast on 7 stitches with a bead in between, and then a third needle with 7 stitches and a bead in between, and to end- leaving 21 stitches on 3 needles with 21 beads.

You will then knit your first stitch on the first needle, making a circle (no need to join- these stitches aren't going anywhere) using a small crochet hook (I used a D) to pull the stitches through your knit loops.  Make sure to knit very loosely or you will have trouble the next row.  Yes, this is very time consuming and hard to work with- but it is worth it :)  Knit all the way around all three needles, slipping another bead in between stitches. Also add in your shawl pin if you are planning on using a premade one- I just knitted it in between the stitches on either side.
Your next row- you are going to bind off- bind each stitch off using your crochet hook and sliding a bead between each stitch.  When you have your two knitted stitches on your hook- just pull stitch number 2 through number 1 :)
Continue binding off all the way around incorporating your beads until you come to the end- and snip your wire 2 inches from your last stitch and pull through your loop. Snip and wrap your wire tails into the wreath to hide and keep from snagging on your shawl.  Form your work into a wreath like shape and you are done :)

Jeremiah 1:7-10
"But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.  Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will resue you," declares the Lord.  Then the Lord reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put My words in your mouth.  See today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."